Autumn Equinox

This is the first blog on my new website. I thought it appropriate to reflect on that fact that this weekend is the autumn equinox. We are now at the threshold between summer and winter, going from the fiery yang phase to the cold yin phase. Nights are drawing in, and we have to start think about hibernation. I often wonder about how our ancestors got through the colder months. For them there was no choice or facilities like we have today: central heating, electric lighting, and quick air flight to the warmer parts of the world. Survival meant preparation, the storage of food, changing their state of mind, and embracing the cold and the darker days. This can be a positive time for inner reflection, dreaming and planning new creative projects. A time for study and broading our mental horizons, and a retreat from activities of the warmer months. So don’t be upset now the days are now getting colder. Stick yer woolly hat and gloves on and enjoy the natural cycles of life.

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